Supplier Referral Policy

This supplier referral offer (“Program”) is sponsored and administered by Crown Digital Marketing (“Khridi”). These terms governing the Program (“Program Terms”) shall be in addition to Khridi’s terms and conditions available at (“Khridi Terms”) and your Supplier Agreement with Khridi (“Agreement”). Capitalised terms used herein but not defined shall have the same meaning as under the Khridi Terms or the Agreement. In case of any conflict between the Program Terms and the Khridi Terms or the Agreement, the Program Terms shall prevail to the extent of such conflict.

This Program is available exclusively for Suppliers who have received at least 1 order, and who fulfil any additional eligibility criteria that Khridi may at its discretion introduce from time to time (“Referrer/you”).
Referrer shall be provided a link via Supplier panel (“Referral Link”) which may be shared with persons eligible to be Suppliers on Khridi and who have no prior registration as a seller with Khridi (“Referee”). Alternatively, the Referrer may provide Khridi with the requisite details of such persons including name, email address and/or telephone number, through the Supplier panel and Khridi may invite such persons to register as a Supplier on the Khridi platform by sending a Referral Link. It is hereby clarified that for the Referrer and/or Referee to be eligible for any Incentive, (a) the Referee must register on Khridi through the Referral Link, or (b) if the Referee is directly invited through the Supplier panel, then the Referee must register by accepting such invite.
Such Referee must fill in the required details as delineated in the Referral Link for the purpose of being registered as a Supplier with Khridi (“Referee”).
The Referrer and Referee shall be entitled to a cash amount (“Incentive”) for each Referee joining Khridi through such Referrer’s Referral Link. Subject to the other Program Terms, and completion of the milestones set out below within 45 days from the upload of the first catalog by the Referee, the Incentive will be provided to the Referrer and the Referee in the following manner:

Stage No.

Stage at which Incentive becomes payable

Incentive being provided to Referrer (in INR)

Incentive being provided to Referee (in INR)


First Order Delivered




Fifth Order Delivered




Fifteenth Order Delivered




Thirtieth Order Delivered



It is clarified however that no Referrer may refer more than 10 (ten) Referees, and the maximum Incentive payable to any Referrer for all referrals shall not exceed INR 45,000. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Supplier becomes ineligible to participate in this Program at any time during the Program duration, as determined by Khridi at its sole discretion, including but not limited to reasons such as suspected fraud, or other undesirable behaviour, such Supplier will not be able to refer any more suppliers, even if they have referred less than 10 (ten) Referees till date. Only one account per Supplier will be considered for Incentives under this Program.
Any Incentive earned by the Referrer will be provided to Referrer after 7 (seven) days of completion of each milestone as set out in the table paragraph 4 above.
Khridi reserves the right to extend, cancel, discontinue, prematurely withdraw, change, alter, modify, stop this Program or any part thereof pertinent to this Program at its sole discretion at any time during its validity as may be required including in view of business exigencies and/or changes by a regulatory authority and/or statutory changes and/or any reasons beyond their control without providing any prior notice to Referrer/Referee and the same shall be binding on the Referrers and Referees.
In the event that a Supplier refers another person who is already registered as a Supplier with Khridi, neither party would be entitled to any Incentive whatsoever. It is clarified that referral is only applicable for incremental sellers and not existing Suppliers who create a new account.
Suppliers must not bid on or run ads using Khridi branded keywords, create replica websites or post their Referral Link on any other website. If a Supplier is found to have engaged in any such behaviour, they shall not be eligible for any Incentive and may also be penalised by Khridi.
Khridi reserves the right to disqualify any transaction at any time. In cases of fraudulent/suspicious/ illegal transactions, Khridi solely reserves the right to revoke the Program or participation or benefits of any Referrer/Referee.
Khridi reserves the right to determine eligibility of a Supplier, extend, cancel, discontinue, prematurely withdraw, suspend, change, alter, modify, stop this Program or any part thereof at its sole discretion at any time during its validity as may be required including in view of business exigencies and/or changes by a regulatory authority and/or statutory changes and/or any reasons beyond their control without providing any prior notice to the Referrer/Referee and the same shall be binding on all Referrers and Referees.

Exclusion: Where either a Referrer or Referee is registered as a ‘Composition Taxpayer’ or as a ‘Unregistered Applicant holding GST enrolment number’ on GSTN Portal, the referral transaction will not be eligible for payment of any Incentive under this Program.

The Referrer/Referee expressly agrees that his/her participation in the Program is at their sole risk and is governed by the Program Terms.
The Referrer hereby expressly represents and warrants that they are authorized to share information regarding the Referee with Khridi for the purposes of this Program. The Referrer/Referee shall ensure that all information provided by them is true and that there is no restriction on them in sharing the information provided to Khridi. The Referrer/Referee also consents to the information being stored in the servers of Khridi or its service providers.
Subject to any applicable laws, all warranties of any kind whatsoever, whether express or implied, are hereby expressly disclaimed including, regarding the Incentive or the Program or any transactions effected through the Program.
The Incentive(s) under this Program are neither assignable nor transferable under any circumstance, unless specifically provided hereunder.
The Incentive(s) to the Referrer/Referee shall be given subject to compliance with all applicable statutory legislations, processes and formalities in connection with the Incentive and on production of all such documents and information as may be required by Khridi. Any failure on the part of the Referrer to comply with directions issued by Khridi for claiming of Incentive shall entitle Khridi to deem that the Referrer/Referee has forfeited the Incentive, at their sole discretion.
The Referrer/Referee understand and agree that Khridi or its affiliates, shall not be liable for any loss or damage or injury whatsoever that may be suffered, by a Referrer/Referee and/or any third party, directly or indirectly, by use or non-use of the Incentive or from participation in this Program.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in case of any dispute, the maximum aggregate liability of Khridi to Referrer and/ or Referee, shall not exceed the value of the respective Incentive paid/ to be paid for the referral in relation to which the dispute has arisen.